Assembling Thyself
Let's face it. Everyone has their "Triumph" moment, where all of them feel like being on top of the world! Too exaggerated? I agree. But why doesn't this triumph moment last long? Or come to us at a shorter interval? You wanna know the answer, right? One word, Expectation.
Well, you see, for me, this gif is more or less like the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment. In my mind, I see that the fox has made a hunting attempt. But, are his efforts futile or is he victorious, those aren't clear in this short gif. What we all can agree on is, This arctic fox had an expectation to catch the lemmings and he made an effort for it. That's it.
The fox hunts within thick snow in order to survive, We humans run after success (and happiness) in order to thrive. But just like the fox doesn't know for certain if he's gonna get the food or not, we're also not sure if we're gonna thrive like we think in our minds.
The term "Success" varies from person to person. The feat you achieved might be trivial for you, but for me, that might've been a game changer. We don't know when we'll thrive. We don't know IF we're ever gonna thrive. We just hope, with a big expectation that something "Good" is waiting for us. (Which is actually important to hold onto)
But champ, life ain't the same for all. You and I know that know, right? This is why sometimes, having BIG EXPECTATIONS leads to the GREAT DEPRESSIONS (not like the 1930s) that we, as a single person, are not always strong enough to handle.
Even I have....used to have huge expectations. But as the world revolves, I've come to realize that, that only brings pain and disappointment. So as of right now, I'm keeping all of my expectations to a bare minimum. Whatever comes, I alone have to face it, whether good or bad. If it's bad, "Yeah, that was unexpected." If it's good, "Yeah, that was unexpected. I'm gonna do a backflip now" and sprain my back.
Doesn't mean you have to though. As we all know, all of our lives are different. If you have always gotten the outcome you hoped for, it's good for you to keep up that expectations. But if you ever come across anyone who has lost all hope and expectations, tell them this, "You're not alone in this. You can do so much better", (Even if they can't, fundamentally).
Only you have been given the potential to assemble all the pieces of your puzzle so called "life". Make an effort and keep your expectations to a bare minimum and accept whatever the outcome with a positive outlook. See if life becomes a bit better or not. As a wise man once said, "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take."
After all, happiness nowadays seems so slippery to catch! Hold onto it the moment you grab it 😉
(Today's Song Suggestion: Summer Salt- Fire Flower)
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