
Assembling Thyself

Let's face it. Everyone has their "Triumph" moment, where all of them feel like being on top of the world! Too exaggerated? I agree. But why doesn't this triumph moment last long? Or come to us at a shorter interval? You wanna know the answer, right? One word, Expectation. Let's have a look at the silly little arctic fox. It "expects" to find food few inches inside the snow. For your kind consideration, here's a little insight. During winter in the arctic, many rodent like creatures known as "Lemmings" stay a few inches beneath the snow for shelter, warmth, food (berries, roots etc). Now, our little friend, uses their ears and hunting experience to find the optimal position of the lemmings and Action. You might be wondering, "So why did this dude give us a lesson on how arctic foxes hunt and how is this relevant to the title or the caption?" Patience, my child. Let's go. As we all know, animals such as foxes don't have a c...

Make an effort

S ometimes, it feels like you're all alone in this beautiful world. It happens. No matter how well achieved you are or well suited you make yourself to be, you have faced this. And as always, right now, I'm feeling the same way. Reason? Too dumb yet pivotal of a reason actually.  So what is the point of this blog? It's to make you (myself included) understand that it won't be over in a short time. Heck, I don't even know when this suffering (mild? major?) will end. Maybe in a month? Maybe 2 or 3? A year? Whole life? Tomorrow? WE REALLY HAVE NO CLUE OVER THIS.  What I can surely say is, keep holding up. That's what you've been doing all these time, right? No one knows what goes inside your brain without YOU yourself. Make up a strategy to face the demons and hopefully be emerged as victorious.  You might think of yourself to be incapable of doing any wonders. That actually may be true. All human aren't made equal . You can't always get the thing you ...